Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Chapter 3 Vocabulary- DO NOT START UNTIL OCT. 6

Please note that you have 2 Options:


You may put together a Powerpoint Presentation.

Title Slide -Chapter name and number and student's name.
New slide for each vocabulary word definition.
**Each slide should also have an uploaded picture that goes along with the defined word.**

To submit:

All presentations are due on (October 28 or 31) and should be submitted to the following address: cormierr@duvalschools.org



Students will be responsible for putting together note cards for each of the vocabulary words. One side should have a picture (printed or hand drawn) and a definition on the other side.

All cards will be due in class on October 28, 2016 or October 31, 2016. 

**Please note that no late submissions will be accepted. **

Monday, September 26, 2016

October 7, 2016


There is an extra credit opportunity available on the "World History Blog" under the Extra Credit tab. The assignments for this project are due on October 7, 2016. No late submissions will be accepted for any reason. Please note that regardless of the number of projects that a student completes one can only receive a maximum of 15 points. The recommendation is that students complete 3 assignments total. All students must complete the middle spot on the tic, tac, toe- then they can complete a tic, tac, toe in any direction of their choice.

Please note that instructions for accessing the blog are in an earlier blog post, should be in student's notebooks, and were reviewed several times during the first weeks of class. If students are unsure of how to access the blog they should review the earlier blog post. Please do not send emails asking for this information- use your resources to find out how to access the blog. I want students to start building their own research and problem solving skills, which means relying on themselves more and the teacher less. You have all of the skills necessary to find the information on your own.

I hope that this will help students in need of additional points!


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Chapter 1 Test Corrections


Put the question number.

Write out the correct answer choice.

Provide a single sentence statement providing evidence to support your correct answer.


2. D- According to pg. 32 King Sargon was the ruler in the Assyrian Empire.

You will then attach the correction sheet to your original test and all corrections are due by 9/29 and 9/30.

Students can receive back 1/2 of the points lost for correct answers.

For instance if students lose 14 points and they correct all of the questions that they got wrong. They can receive back 7 points. The 7 points will be added to the original test score.

Parents and Students

Please check grades! All grades have been updated except timeline projects. These are the only items that have not yet been calculated into the grades.

Week 8

Review Games and Study Guide
Key Terms pg. 61 and Comprehension and Critical Thinking pg. 62

Chapter 2 Test

Week 7

Chapter 2 Section 5

Review Stations

Review Games and Study Guide
Key Terms pg. 61 and Comprehension and Critical Thinking pg. 62

Week 6

Chapter 2 Section 2 and Chapter 2 Section 3

Chapter 2 Section 3 and Chapter 2 Section 4

Chapter 2 Section 4

Week 5


Chapter 1 Test

Chapter 2 Sec 1

Chapter 2 Section 2

Week 4

No School Labor Day

Chapter 1 Section 3

Jeopardy Chapter 1
Pg. 25 Key Terms and pg. 26 Comprehension and Critical Thinking Questions (Study Guide)

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Open Call.

Please Note:

All students were allowed to come to me during class and talk about their grades for A day classes. I told each student what they should do to recover their grade, and encouraged them to use the blog. Students don't forget that your study guide is extra credit worth 5 points, and can not be turned in late or incomplete.

B day students will be invited to speak with me on tomorrow as well. All students should work over the weekend to recover their grade if necessary. Please keep an eye on late submission due dates which are all in the previous post to this blog.

If you have emailed me- I sent out responses this morning and will continue over the course of the day tomorrow. Please note that I will not be available over the weekend so any questions should be posed before that time.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Grades have been updated!

Students and Parents,

Below I have provided some insight into why your student might not yet be achieving a desirable grade in this course.

Course Syllabus- it could be missing altogether, in the folder for the wrong class because it was placed in the wrong bin for turning in, or turned in without a name. If your student feels that they turned it in- they should check with me by 9/9 to get this item updated. If students did not turn this assignment in at this point- it will no longer be accepted.

First Notebook Check- Students left assignment that were supposed to be in the notebook at home, students left their entire notebook at home, students were missing specific numbers in their notebooks. All notebooks can be regraded in class on 9/12 and 9/13 (this will be the only day that I am willing to dedicate to giving notebooks a second grading). Please note that notebook extensions and regrading will be offered this time only as a courtesy. In the future, notebooks should be ready for grading on the notebook check date as students understand that the check is coming 1 week in advance.

9/12 and 9/13- CHAPTER 1 TEST! Students should use their books to study. A good place to start is the Chapter Review at the end of the Chapter. The test is pulled exclusively from the book.

Mini-Project- The project never got sent, the project was never saved properly during class, the project is still incomplete. All projects can be submitted to me by 9/9. If students have not received a confirmation or they did but still did not receive a grade- they will need to see me by the end of this week. Please make sure that submissions have the group members name in the subject line- note that if you send email from a parent account - I don't know its you so I could easily overlook it when grading.

Quiz- Student never took the quiz, student received a poor grade on the quiz, student didn't complete the quiz. Take the quiz no later than 9/9 and write down your score. You will have an opportunity to tell me your score on 9/12 and 9/13 of next week for inputting. If you have not taken the quiz by this date and recorded your score- your grade will remain as is.

Please look to an earlier blog post for the link to the quiz if you no longer have it.

Timeline projects will be due on 9/14 and 9/15. Giving all students an additional day to get those turned in.

**Please note that all extension dates in this blog post are final unless a student has other arrangements with me personally. If the extension date is missed with rectifying grades- the grade posted will be final. **


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Open House

Open House is tonight starting at 6:00 p.m. There will be handout in my World History class with some important highlights for this class. If you are unable to attend, please have your student to pick up a copy of the handout at their earliest convenience. I will have plenty of copies for each family. I hope to meet everyone tonight!

Best Wishes,
