Monday, October 31, 2016

New Homework- DUE DATE 11/17 and 11/18

The 2 homework assignments for this unit are:

1. Vocabulary- Create a poem based upon ancient India using all of the vocabulary words from Chapter 4. Your poem MUST be typed, and all vocabulary words should be underlined. 

2. Achieve Article-Can you count to one billion?

**Please note that just as in last unit, I will post the assignment to the board and leave it there for the entire unit. I will try to remember to remind you each class period, and especially as time is winding down. NO LATE submissions will be accepted as students are given 3 weeks to complete the homework. **

Cant locate the article? Make sure that you are on World History, and that you are spelling the article name correctly. 

DUE: November 17 and 18- If you will not be here, please make arrangements to turn the assignments in early. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Students and Parents, 

Time is running out! Please note that no additional time will be given on this assignment as students have had approx. 4 weeks to complete the following listed assignments. 

Please note that you have 2 Options:


You may put together a Powerpoint Presentation.

Title Slide -Chapter name and number and student's name.
New slide for each vocabulary word definition.
**Each slide should also have an uploaded picture that goes along with the defined word.**

To submit:

All presentations are due on (October 28 or 31) and should be submitted to the following address:



Students will be responsible for putting together note cards for each of the vocabulary words. One side should have a picture (printed or hand drawn) and a definition on the other side.

All cards should be banned together and have the students name printed on a sheet of paper under the rubber band or clip. 

All cards will be due in class on October 28, 2016 or October 31, 2016. 

**Please note that no late submissions will be accepted. **

All students should also complete the ACHIEVE ARTICLE TITLED: Ancient Middle East: Who built the pyramids?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chapter 2 Test Corrections


Put the question number.

Write out the correct answer choice.

Provide a single sentence statement providing evidence to support your correct answer.


2. D- According to pg. 32 King Sargon was the ruler in the Assyrian Empire.

You will then attach the correction sheet to your original test and all corrections are due by 10/28-10/29.

Students will receive 5 points extra credit for test corrections this time considering that the grading period has already ended.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

All Grades Updated!

Please note that all grades have been updated to reflect all assigned work for the first quarter. If you feel that your grade is incorrect you should send me an email or talk to me in person no later than Wednesday 10/19. No other assignments are being accepted, only corrections are being made.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Extra Credit Extension

Please note that I met with any student in danger of receiving a failing grade in this class today. (IF THEY WERE PRESENT) If you were not present you should get the extra credit TIC, TAC, TOE from the blog by following the instructions in the previous blog post.

Please note that the due date has been extended to 10/12- whether students have me or they do not. If students turn in this assignment after 10/12 it will not be accepted for any credit. All grades will be finalized by Friday 10/14.

Please have a safe weekend with your family!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Jeopardy Link -Chapter 2

Test day will be next class period- even though I wasn't here today! Study all of Chapter 2- vocabulary and content.