Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Students: The below listed project will be due on 2/ 14-2/15. Please ensure that you are following the rubric!
Roman Empire Powerpoint Project

For this project, students are required to choose create a Powerpoint covering the most important aspect of Ancient Roman life. Students are going to create a Powerpoint presentation with the following slides:

  • Art
  • Food
  • Government
  • Social Structure
  • Technological Advancement
  • Education/Learning
  • Important People
  • References

Each section needs to have:
  • A picture representing the section.
  • A summary in the student’s own words that is between 75-100 words.
  • A study question pertaining to this section of your presentation.

Your presentation should also have:
  • An interesting title page
  • All of your group member’s names should be on this slide.
  • Information from at least 2 sources outside of your text book. (.edu, .org, no Wikipedia)
You need to turn in:
  • The rubric with your group members’ names and bring your presentation on flash drive to class on ____________________.

The Rubric
Students, please remember to read both sides of this sheet to ensure that you know exactly was expected of you for this project. This project will help students to bring up their project percentage if you do well.
 Student provides a thorough explanation of the importance of art in Rome and highlights some important Roman art styles.
 Student provides an explanation of the importance of art in Rome and highlights some important Roman art styles.
 Student highlights some important Roman art styles with little to no explanation.
Section missing.
Student provides a thorough explanation of the 4 most common types of foods eaten in Rome.
Student provides an explanation of the 3 most common types of foods eaten in Rome.
Student lists foods eaten in Rome.
Section missing.
Student explains governmental features in Ancient Rome in a way that shows deep understanding and knowledge.
Student explains governmental features in Ancient.
Student minimally explains governmental features in Ancient Rome.
Section missing.
Student thoroughly explains social structure within Roman civilization.
Student explains social structure within Roman civilization.
Student minimally explains the social structure within Rom or explanation shows unclear understanding.
Section missing.
Student highlights at least 3 technological advancements within Rome and explains their benefits.
Student highlights 2 technological advancements.
Student lists technological advancements.
Section missing.
Student explains Ancient Rome’s system of education and learning, highlighting important themes and ideas.
Student explains Ancient Rome’s system of education and learning.
Student briefly mentions education and learning in Rome.
Section missing.
Students highlights 3 major people who had a strong impact either positive or negative on Ancient Rome.
Students highlights 2 major people who had a strong impact either positive or negative on Ancient Rome.
Students lists important figures in Ancient Rome.
Section missing.
Student has a picture representing each requirement, blog is neat and shows care in construction process, each element has 75-100-word summary and thought question.
Student has a picture representing most of the requirements, blog is neat, each element has less than a 100-word summary and thought question.
2 or more required elements are missing.
Students presentation is extremely unfinished and difficult to grade due to missing or inconsistent information.

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