Wednesday, August 31, 2016


R + A ( Restate plus answer)
Humans benefited from historical developments during the Stone Age because farming became an important part of life during this time.
Cite Evidence from text or other source
According to pg. 15, paragraph 1, farmers were now able to grow their own food sources and no longer had to be nomads.
Explain how evidence supports answer
The creation of their own food sources allowed them to develop the land where they lived without wiping out resources as they moved along from place to place. The risk of living without food or resources when moving declined.
Rewrite as one cohesive paragraph
Humans benefited from historical developments during the Stone Age because farming became an important part of life during this time. According to pg. 15, paragraph 1, farmers were now able to grow their own food sources and no longer had to be nomads. The creation of their own food sources allowed them to develop the land where they lived without wiping out resources as they moved along from place to place. The risk of living without food or resources when moving declined.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Week 3


Human Migration
My Timeline Project Assigned

Prehistory Guided Notes
Review Quiz Online
**Please put your first and last name on the quiz when you take it. **
Note that you will only have until 11:59 p.m. on Friday 9/2/2016 to take the review quiz for a grade.
Quiz Link

No School Weather Day!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mini Projects

Please note that A Day project completion went well. If you turned in paper copy projects- your rubric should have been attached and turned in during class. If you are turning in electronic Powerpoint presentations you should have turned in your rubric with all group member's names on it. You will submit your projects to my email by 12:00 a.m. EST.

No late submissions will be accepted!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Please Note

Documents will be updated by Sunday of every week on the blog.

Example: All of week 1 available documents were uploaded on this Sunday and will remain visible for all of Week 2. At the end of Week 2 all of Week 2 available documents will be posted. These assignments will be visible during the entire Week 3 and so on.

Please use the directions in an earlier blog post to access assignments, homework and project information. Note that some documents from the week will not be made available on the blog.

Week 2

Baseline Testing

Essential Vocabulary Graphic Organizer
Chapter 1 Section 1 Reading
Chapter 1 Section 1 Project Based Learning Opportunity

Essential Vocabulary Lesson
Map Skills Lesson

*Please note that all documents from Week 1 will be replaced by available Week 2 documents at the end of the week.

Week 1

Rituals and Routines
Course Syllabus Introduction
Classroom Expectations

6 Essential Elements of Geography
Class Jobs
Student Interest Surveys

8/19& 8/22
Baseline Testing

**Please note that the Powerpoint for 6 Essential Elements of Geography is located on the World History Blog under ASSIGNMENTS!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Accessing a copy of the syllabus

Step 1: Look for Important Class Websites on the right hand side of the blog
Step 2: Click World History Blog
Step 3: Click Assignments
Step 4: Click on and Print the World History Syllabus that shows up on this webpage.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Oh, the places you will go!

Welcome 6th Graders!

You just joined the ranks of some amazing students. I know that it is easier said than done, but don't be nervous! Remember that your teachers are all here to help you with everything from opening up your locker to finding the correct classroom.

I have been serving at Landon for the past 8 years. It has been an incredible journey. I have been an educator in the area of Reading, Social Studies, Leadership, Critical Thinking, and Restorative Justice. I have watched students come in as 6th graders and followed them all the way to their graduation from high school. During my time here at Landon I have taught all grades so I know what it takes at each grade level to be successful. With that being said, I will teach you this year at a challenge level that prepares you to not only be successful in 6th grade but also to be successful in 7th and 8th grade. I have no doubt that all of you have what it takes to be successful in my class and at Julia Landon.

This will be my first year teaching World History and I look forward to the journey that we will take together. Just as you all will learn from me, I will learn from you.

 As you embark on your journey, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Manage your time wisely (use your planner)
  • Review materials daily creating study materials as you go
  • Don't wait until the last minute to start large assignments and projects
  • Ask questions for clarity 
  • Turn in work on time
  • Evaluate your personal systems for effectiveness regularly- when they don't work- CHANGE!
  • Always try your hardest
I look forward to meeting each and every one of you. Pack your bags, the world awaits our arrival!

