Wednesday, November 9, 2016

PLEASE NOTE! 11/17 and 11/18 are APPROACHING

The NEW homework assignments are coming up due by the end of next week.

Late assignments WILL NOT be accepted FOR ANY REASON!

You have had 3 weeks to prepare this assignment- use your long weekend wisely.

As a reminder!

The 2 homework assignments for this unit are:

1. Vocabulary- Create a poem based upon ancient India using all of the vocabulary words from Chapter 4. Your poem MUST be typed, and all vocabulary words should be underlined. 

2. Achieve Article-Can you count to one billion?

**Please note that just as in last unit, I will post the assignment to the board and leave it there for the entire unit. I will try to remember to remind you each class period, and especially as time is winding down. NO LATE submissions will be accepted as students are given 3 weeks to complete the homework. **

Cant locate the article? Make sure that you are on World History, and that you are spelling the article name correctly. You should also go to your inbox or my lessons. The article should be one of the options in this area.

The DUE DATE is not the time to ask questions about these assignments. If you have questions, please ask during the WORK PERIOD of any class BEFORE the due dates. 

DUE: November 17 and 18- If you will not be here, please make arrangements to turn the assignments in early. 

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