Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What's up with my grade?

Please check portal and look at your itemized grades for this class. Here are some things to consider before seeking an appointment to speak with me.

  • Did I miss a test and I never took it? Have I used up my late time?
  • Did I do poorly on a test?
  • Did I do poorly on a project?
  • Am I missing homework or classwork assignments? 
  • How many points did I miss for any missing assignments?
Also, there has been mass confusion about Study Guide Chapter 7 and Study Guide Chapter 8. If you failed to label your assignments- I put one study guide in for one chapter and looked for the other. If you know you only did one you should have a grade for one or the other. Whether Chapter 7 or 8 doesn't really matter because they are the same points. 

You must remember that your grade is not protected under glass. If you fail to do items in this class or you perform poorly on items your grade will change unfavorably. There is still time, and there is still hope! I am great at offering second, third, and fourth chances to get things right. Are you doing everything that you can to raise your grade?

Achieve Article: Ancient Greece and Rome-Lost History DUE 2/28 
We are currently moving into Chapter 9, you need to read the chapter. Even before we get started, start reading the chapter. Study and keep working hard- your grade will improve.

I still need to put in:
Chapter 7 Test 
Chapter 8 Test 
Ancient Rome Project 
Peer evaluation Points for Ancient Rome Project

**Extra Credit Opportunity** (15 points) Due 2/28 (EXPIRED)
Choose the kingdom discussed in Chapter 6, Chapter 7 or Chapter 8.

R.A.C.E. "How did this kingdom contribute to modern society as we know it?" (color code your response)

Opportunity 1 of 3- Be on the lookout as these opportunities will only be posted to the blog. 

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