Monday, September 26, 2016

October 7, 2016


There is an extra credit opportunity available on the "World History Blog" under the Extra Credit tab. The assignments for this project are due on October 7, 2016. No late submissions will be accepted for any reason. Please note that regardless of the number of projects that a student completes one can only receive a maximum of 15 points. The recommendation is that students complete 3 assignments total. All students must complete the middle spot on the tic, tac, toe- then they can complete a tic, tac, toe in any direction of their choice.

Please note that instructions for accessing the blog are in an earlier blog post, should be in student's notebooks, and were reviewed several times during the first weeks of class. If students are unsure of how to access the blog they should review the earlier blog post. Please do not send emails asking for this information- use your resources to find out how to access the blog. I want students to start building their own research and problem solving skills, which means relying on themselves more and the teacher less. You have all of the skills necessary to find the information on your own.

I hope that this will help students in need of additional points!


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